The Cook Awakening

Archive for May, 2021

Opening is a Process

May 9, 2021
Posted in: Grief, Health and Nutrition, Integrating Lifestyle Changes, Life on Life's Terms, Living Into Death, Spiritual Practice

We’ve all been affected by the pandemic for over a year now. That effect looks different for many of us, depending on our life situations, of course. Some have felt some concern, but have still been living fairly full, interactive lives. Some have felt angry and inconvenienced, some fearful and forced to go to jobs that puts them in consistent contact with the public. Some have stayed home almost entirely. Some of those in the last group live alone, and have barely had any physical contact with other human beings. For over a year. Some have had loved ones die of COVID-19.

Beach peas, hardy and delicate

It’s been hard for everyone to some degree, in whichever group you’ve found yourself. Perhaps you’ve had more than one of those experiences at different times.

Right now, I’m writing to those of you who have taken social distancing seriously, and have had little contact with people. I have a number of clients and loved ones in this group. It’s been a rough year for you.